這張超級可愛的吧!! 讓我想到史瑞克裡面那隻貓的表情! 這兩天颱風天,聽到朋友說曾經看過流浪貓冷死街頭的事件讓我不禁擔心家裡的小銀貓。想來想去怎樣也不可能去買一個三千日幣的小貓屋給他,靈機一動就在紙箱上挖一個洞,百元商店買了件小毛毯,就這樣幫他在秘密的樓梯間築了個小窩。既然今天是他的入厝日,百元商店又選了一罐貓罐頭(聽起來裡面好像是貓肉不過當然裡面是魚)給他加菜。慢慢的他也越來越不怕生,我要回家的時候他還跟我玩123木頭人的遊戲,看著他時他就不動,不看他時他就慢慢跟上來,不過小朋友爬樓梯還是有點吃力,實在是很可愛。很矛盾害羞的一隻貓,每次我接近時他又跑掉,我走開時他又慢慢的跟蹤。終於爬到二樓我都已經開門了,他還是很可憐的躲在樓梯的倒數第二格看著我,但我真的叫他過來時他又衝回一樓。每天晚上吃完飯坐在樓梯間跟他玩躲貓貓(跟貓玩躲貓貓?名字是這樣來的嘛?)已經變成最近的習慣,覺得自己有點像獨居老人。
Doesn't he look like the cat in Shrek when he was begging for a favor?! haha! The typhoon made the weather so cold and wet since thursday. Yes, I am writing about the cat again! Since we have established a certain level of friendship, it makes me sad seeing him hiding under some abandoned tiles leaning against the wall in a typhoon day while I enjoy the invention of a heater in my room. My initial plan was to get him a little cat house but everything in pet store is just too expensive for you to even just look at it; so why dun I get some DIY going on here? As crappy as it sounds, I pulled out one of the box from the post office and cut a hole on it. Then, I went to 100 yen store to get a little blanket and two tiny bowls for obviously 300 yen if you do the math. There you go, the postal house ready to be sent anywhere in the world! Although It did take a while to lure him into the house, it's nice to see him finally having a legit dinner (canned fish today) in a real bowl and a warmer dry spot to stay at. I guess our friendship has gone up to another level that he is starting to get curious about where I live? After his fantastic dine out experiences and some fun time playing hide and seek with me, it was about time for me to bounce back to my tiny hole. Just as I was leaving, there was this emotion in his eyes saying that "Thanks to come to my housewarming party, so when are you gna invite me to your house then?" He then attempted to follow me as I climb the stairs but only when I wasn't looking at him and whenever I turned back, he would just freeze. When I finally opened my door and invites him over, he escaped. Well, it's a japanese cat; it takes time to strengthen the bond.
posing inside my new home
He caught me taking pic of him haha
1 則留言:
LOL @ 郵便局 pic