我從來沒有在人家面前看電影感動,但今天兩個大男人(大衛)一把眼淚一把鼻涕的,我就真的忍不住,哈哈。連大衛也說,這部片子拍攝的手法真的比好萊塢還要好很多,因為很真實。好萊塢電影多半在特效上及故事轉折或高潮安排的完美,但到最後常常還是千篇一律,看到某一個程度就可以大概知道下來要幹嘛。這部片常常讓我有 ㄟ? 怎麼這樣就講出來了 或怎麼這樣就結束了的時刻,卻也有很多根本沒想到會有衝擊的畫面,大剌剌的放在你眼前卻出乎意料的好像在你眼前變魔術一樣的就感動了你。或許最真實的畫面才是讓人最感受深刻的畫面,讓觀賞者把自己放進了角色中。也或許是因為深深了解那內斂的情感,才會讓我加倍的有感觸。
David's part:
I recently watched the Chinese-made film entitled "大地震” which I believe means something like "giant earthquake." The English title however seems to be a better name for the film, that is "Aftershock." For those looking for the typical Hollywood end-of-the-world disaster movie, this isn't that. The movie does employ stunning special effects that put the viewer in the midst of a tragic earthquake, and there is plenty of action to go along. But the film doesn't stop there. The theme of the movie, which diverges from Hollywood styles in this genre, is a human drama, a very dramatic human drama to say the least. Anyone who has witnessed or been involved in such debilitating disasters as earthquakes are familiar with the tenancy of those tragedies to span a lifetime. These memory aftershocks are reminders of things often best left forgotten. This film captures the struggles of one family's dilemma following the 1975 earthquake in Tangshan. A very heartfelt look into events and emotions that span all culture and boundaries. The film is in Mandarin as well as local dialects.