咱家小貓越來越可愛,原來小貓也跟我一樣是悶騷型,現在我前腳進門他後腳就踏進來,東玩西玩的,警戒心還是有,但已經親切了很多很多。今天就連我嘗試把門關起來,他都還是顧著玩她的小枕頭,傻傻的。剛才跑完步回家在門口樓梯拉筋時這小子跟小狗一樣一直在我身上鑽來鑽去死命的磨蹭,我抬左腳她玩左腳我抬右腳她蹭右腳,十足十的跟個小女人一樣,怪不得以前涵彥常說貓很像情婦。哎呀,這隻小野貓實在是讓我想把他留下來,但兩坪大的房間他在家裡應該會發瘋吧?以後回台灣時他怎麼辦?? 這麼可愛的一隻貓,長大一點之後可能就消失了,自己跑出去尋找自己的世界,到時老子一定會後悔。
After all the effort and time spent together, she is now finally treating me as half of her family. Not only during dinner time would she come in but also when she feels lonely!! After the jog tonight when I was doing my stretch routine on my stairs, this little monster was rubbing my sweaty leg continuously which reminds me of my stupid MOMO licking everything. This is not my first time thinking about keeping her but considering about so much possible hassles, it's just so hard to make up my mind. After my trip to Okinawa, if she is still around, I guess I will try to let her stay at home for a night or two. See how it goes!