2010年10月24日 星期日

[131] 成龍小白貓

首先,給讀過「逃避現實的幸福」的好朋友們,這次這隻貓沒有瞎,哈哈。我也不知道為什麼每次都把他們的眼睛遮起來了,可能淺意識裡想表達出貓的神祕感吧? 這次是隻白色的小貓咪,雖然有點營養不良,身材有點過瘦,如果主人好好養長大應該會很漂亮。我也搞不清楚他到底是不是流浪貓?日本會有流浪貓嘛?我倒是知道日本一定沒有流浪狗。我只記得一陣子之前看過他的母親跑來跑去,後來最近就只有看到他孤拎拎的一個人or 一隻貓-_-? 貓真的是很像犯罪者,那敏捷的身手和眼神,每次看到他真的是都跟成龍一樣飛來飛去的,好像我會把他吃掉一樣,聽到我聲音就瞬間移動消失。

I have seen his mother running around near my apartment but ever since this little kitty appears, she never showed up anymore. I heard that cats never take care of their own children after they give birth to them and perhaps thats why cats seem like such an independent animal compare to dogs. The first time I saw him he was so little like the size of my hand but I could never get close to him for he was way too scared to get around people. Well its a Japanese cat so I guess it was the Japanese circle of trust thing that  he only allows me to get a little bit closer every time when I tried my friendly approach. 

不過就算是成龍,年紀輕輕的沒有媽媽照顧肚子也會餓吧,在他慢慢的發現我沒有敵意之後,終於今天拜託我買東西給他吃,我要轉頭離開去七十一買牛奶時他還失望的站了起來,但我走過去他又一副準備逃走的樣子,到底是在怕什麼? 畢竟是日本貓,我也想說給他吃吃看台灣的名產,在他有生之年應該沒有辦法辦到台灣簽證去自由行,我就把我的喜年來蛋捲當成おみやげ想說跟他交個朋友,反正大家都是鄰居。看他狼吞虎嚥的樣子,還真是有種母親看到兒子肚子餓了的心酸。(我實在是想太多) 不過,娘,我現在好餓喔,怎ㄌㄜˊ辦?

Today was the 5th time seeing him and finally I could stay right beside him with the fences in between (maybe he feels more secured that way?) but his high alertness still forces me to be extremely gentle on my move. Apparently, he has been suffering from starvation that he seemed to be begging for some kinda help or that was just my fantasy. I quickly grabbed some cookies and milk for him but I had to feed him from the other side of the fences just like hand feeding in the zoo or sth (in this case, thou, the fences were there to protect him not me)

不知道之後再看到他,會不會記得我ㄟ? 應該要跟他要個facebook帳號的,看看將來會不會有貓之報恩的出現。懂貓的朋友們,他現在的白毛是不是胎毛啊?是不是長大之後就會換成另一個顏色? 我怕過了一個月再看到他就認不出來了,變成一隻金色的跑來跟我要魯肉飯吃。

I love animals but not usually a huge fan of cats. It is interesting to that  I have taken so much of CATs picture after I come to Japan. Ever since I had my first dog, I kinda fell in love with the communication with animals, like the communication without words. Although words are not coming out from their mouth, it is amazing to be able to read their emotion so directly. I like how they never lie or play a trick on you and they don't say one thing and do another and that's why I like them!


2 則留言:

愛之星巴勒 提到...


Pink Ojisan 提到...

Haha I kinda write them separately lar! I think direct translation is boring!